Careful estate planning is needed for special needs children

Many special needs children become special needs adults. For the Delaware parents of such an adult, planning for his or her physical and financial security is a priority. That planning needs to extend beyond the lives of the parents, which means that estate planning also becomes a top priority.

When it comes to ensuring that a special needs adult is taken care of when the parents are no longer able to do so through incapacitation or death, arrangements need to be made for someone else to fulfill that role. The person or people meant to take on this task need to be chosen carefully. Are they trustworthy? Are they willing to serve in this capacity? Does the child trust and know the chosen individual or individuals?

Once those questions are answered, Delaware parents can turn to how to leave an inheritance to their adult child without jeopardizing access to any government programs or benefits. A special needs trust may be the answer. These trusts are set up in a specific manner that keeps the assets within them separate when it comes to applying for needed services. It would be inadvisable to leave assets directly to a special needs adult.

It can be a challenge to figure out the best way to care for a special needs adult. Consulting with an attorney familiar with the appropriate estate planning may be beneficial. He or she would listen to the circumstances and the desires of the parents and then make the appropriate recommendations for the situation. Once a plan is in place, everyone can rest easy knowing that the physical and financial future is secured.

Source:, “6 tips for financial planning for adult children with special needs,” Shawn Bumgardner, Nov. 2, 2017



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