If you are a senior citizen or a person living with a disability, you or members of your family can invoke the provisions of elder law when accessing social, financial, medical and legal services in Delaware. It may be important to start planning for the future if you think you may be incapacitated or lose your ability to communicate due to developing medical conditions.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, you should store all your critical documents in a single place. For instance, you may put the documents in one file, in one desk or drawer, or you may enumerate the location of all these documents on an easily accessible notebook. If you elect to store the documents in a bank safe, then ensure you keep additional copies at home. Regularly update the stored documents.
Select a close relative or friend and tell them of the location of the stored documents. Like some people, you may prefer to keep your personal affairs to yourself. However, it is essential that someone knows the location of your documents in the event of your demise or permanent incapacitation. If there is no friend or relative that has earned your trust, request an attorney to step in the role.
You can leave instructions to your attorney or physician to communicate with your caregiver when the need arises. These instructions may touch on your medical and social care, pending or anticipated bills, or issues to do with your health insurance. Such a move will enable your caregiver to access funds for your care. You may even give them permission to access and use your credit cards or withdraw money from a bank account.