4 ways to avoid a future boundary dispute

While in the process of buying a new home in Delaware, there are various factors to consider.

One aspect that often goes overlooked is property boundaries. Not knowing where your property begins and ends can lead to future conflicts with neighbors, which makes taking proactive steps important.

1. Get a land survey

Before finalizing your home purchase, conduct thorough research and consider hiring a licensed surveyor. A property survey provides precise measurements and identifies boundary markers, like stakes or pins, that indicate your property’s limits. These surveys provide necessary documentation in case of any disputes.

2. Research deed records

Deed records, available through Kenty County’s recorder of deeds office, contain vital information about your property’s legal description and boundaries. Carefully review your deed to ensure it aligns with the survey you’ve conducted or received from the seller.

3. Inspect fence lines and existing structures

In many cases, homeowners use fences or existing structures, such as walls or hedges, as rough indicators of their property boundaries. However, these structures may not always align with the official boundaries. Be cautious when assuming the fence lines are accurate.

4. Communicate with neighbors

Open and respectful communication with potential new neighbors can often resolve boundary disputes before they escalate. If you suspect a discrepancy, initiate a conversation and share your survey results to find an amicable solution.

With homes in Camden selling at 20% more than last year, buying a new home is an expensive endeavor. Doing due diligence before a purchase can help keep unexpected and potentially costly expenses from arising.



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