Real estate lawyers providing a personal, small firm experience

Delaware residents who are seeking personal attention and professional service when purchasing a home may be interested in more information about our firm’s real estate transaction practice. Whether you are buying your first home or seeking a second home for vacation or investment purposes, we may be able to help.

Our firm provides a wide selection of legal services related to real estate transactions, including sales contracts, refinancing and lines of equity, leases, easements and dealing with title issues. We may be helpful in guiding a purchaser throughout the entire real estate transaction process. In addition, we combine efficient service with personal attention in order to meet your legal needs. We also generally offer flat-fee pricing, which allows you to understand the costs of these services up front rather than being surprised with large hourly billing rates later.

It is this service that has led to our firm receiving 80 percent of its clients through referrals from other satisfied clients. The firm was founded on the principle that high-quality legal services should be accessible, affordable and delivered with personal attention to the client’s needs. Whether those services are related to a transfer of property or finding an alternative to foreclosure for a client, our staff works to give each case unique attention.

For more information about our services related to real estate transactions, please view our page or check out our other practice areas. A lack of legal help should not keep you from fulfilling your dream of home ownership.

Source: Law offices of Bonnie M. Benson, P.A. , “Camden Delaware Real Estate Transactions Lawyer“, December 04, 2014



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