It may not be something most people think about, but the concept of a guardianship can be very important to a person’s future. As we age, at some point we may not be able to make certain decisions for ourselves anymore due to declining mental ability. Similarly, a parent may seek a guardianship for a child who is mentally handicapped or disabled who has turned 18. Finally, a guardianship may also be sought if a minor child’s parents cannot care for the child or if the child may have lost both of his or her parents.
A guardianship that is sought for an elderly individual can help protect them in many ways. It can make sure that their wishes are carried out, that their quality of life is comfortable, that the individual’s basic needs are met and that all bills are paid.
In some cases, an individual will be proactive and pick a guardian for him or herself early in life. That way the individual feels confident in who will be taking care of them. On the other hand, an individual’s health may decline fast and he or she may not find the opportunity to select a guardian until it is too late. In these circumstances, an individual who would like to be a guardian may reach out to the court system in Delaware to seek guardianship.
The hope is that an individual can make the choice of a guardianship for him or herself. In our next post we will discuss the different issues one should consider when selecting who they would like to be their guardian when the time comes.