What expenses does a Miller trust cover?

You should not have to worry that your income level will push you past the eligibility requirements to receive Medicaid benefits when you need them. Delaware law allows for the establishment of a Miller trust to help you qualify for Medicaid long-term care services.

A Miller trust is an irrevocable trust that you place your income into so it no longer counts toward Medicaid eligibility. Using this trust, you can pay for various costs while also receiving Medicaid benefits.

Provide for personal needs

A Miller trust pays for a personal needs allowance. This provision covers costs such as clothing and personal care items. In addition, your personal allowance can pay for different entertainment expenses.

A personal needs allowance may vary in amount, but for those who live in a nursing home, a trust can pay out between $30 and $130 per month. However, it may also rise to the Medicaid income limit for people who receive care at home or in a community.

Provide for a spouse

For added peace of mind, your Miller trust can also supply an allowance for your spouse. A Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance, or MMMNA, pays for basic living costs for your wife or husband, including necessities such as food and shelter.

Provide for medical expenses

Once your Miller trust has fulfilled these two allowances, it can then go toward other expenses that Medicaid will not pay for. Such costs can include the following:

  • Medical treatments
  • Medication
  • Visits to a doctor
  • Stays at a hospital

The range of coverage from a Miller trust may add a safety net in your older years, allowing you to rely on Medicaid while also permitting your income to help you with needs that Medicaid does not cover.



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